He uses objects, materials, and aesthetic references to the process of commodification in the digital age to explore the sculptural value of the language of technology. The latter is addressed with respect to its ability to support and incentivize specific forms of information, which makes it a model for the construction and dissemination of knowledge. In Jablonowski’s research, communication, commerce and technology appear to be inextricably linked, in a mutual exchange of expressive codes, dissemination techniques and value-building strategies. In the works, different technologies and materials -high and low-tech tools, raw and recycled materials-merge, as if to undermine one of the driving themes of modernism and contemporary capitalism, namely innovation.

SpazioA Pistoia, exhibition view

3D print made of recycled plastic (PP), polished brass, polished aluminium, Ruhrsandstein (Ruhr sandstone, from the birth region of the artist), cm 136 x 100 x 75

MAMbo Bologna, exhibition view
David Jablonowski lives and works in Amsterdam. He received his BA at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy, followed by a 2-year residency at De Ateliers, Amsterdam, and a residency at ISCP in New York. His works are on display in a wide range of institutional and private collections, such as at the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, Gemeentemuseum, The Hague (NL), Museum Glaskasten Marl (DE), and the collection of the Federal Republic of Germany, Bonn (DE).

LED light panel, transparencies, ceramics, Unicorn plant (Proboscidea), air pillows, speaker and sound, cabasas, cm 110 x 200 x 150 (variable dimensions)

gold tinted mirror, brass, aluminium, PP plastic, copper, tungsten, cm 210 x 60 x 60