Six Questions

Hannah Mevis

Tique asks six questions to an artist about their work and inspiration.
This week: Hannah Mevis.

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Artistic Research

Owning the Fractures

The project Owning the Fractures explores the intersection of human activity, natural forces, and time through the metaphor of fractures.


Into The Void

Into The Void is an exhibition project initiated by the IKOB – Museum of Contemporary Art in East Belgium together with the Dutch artist Ton…

Six Questions

Rosa Spring Voss

Tique asks six questions to an artist about their work and inspiration.
This week: Rosa Spring Voss.

Tique is a publication that focuses on the power of contemporary art as a driving force for personal and collective change.
Printed Matter

Barbara Debeuckelaere – ’Om (Mother)

‘Om (Mother) is a collaborative photography project by Barbara Debeuckelaere and all the women of eight families from Tel Rumeida in Hebron, Palestine.

Artistic Research

Volupte Studio – Caminho Efêmero

Using the local landscape as a guide, Volupte Studio created ephemeral bricks for erosion prevention and flourishing of natural species in an art installation for…


Anna Raimondo – Appunti dal mare

Appunti dal mare is a solo exhibition by Anna Raimondo at Dello Scompiglio in Lucca (Italy), curated by Angel Moya Garcia. The exhibition features the…

Six Questions

Alfredo Aceto

Tique asks six questions to an artist about their work and inspiration.
This week: Alfredo Aceto.

Artistic Research

Davide Marcianesi – Aruspicina Futura

Aruspicina Futura is an interdisciplinary, interspecies research by Davide Marcianesi that aims to unravel paradigms of death and violence towards bodies and corpses, along with…


Pauline Rintsch – Mutual Sentiments

Pauline Rintsch’s solo exhibition, Mutual Sentiments, explores everyday scenes and gestures, physicality and intimacy. With an open mind and a keen eye for detail, her…

Six Questions

Szilvia Bolla

Tique asks six questions to an artist about their work and inspiration.
This week: Szilvia Bolla.

Artistic Research

Cecilie Fang Jensen – at the end of the sentence, it rotted

at the end of the sentence, it rotted is an artistic research project by Cecilie Fang Jensen, looking upon a history of constructed languages and…


Julia Scher – ameratherm ultra cooking lab

The exhibition ameratherm ultra cooking lab restages a series of works that Julia Scher realized in 2000 at the Andrea Rosen Gallery in New York.…

Printed Matter

Mercedes Azpilicueta – Bestiary of Tonguelets

The artistic practice of Mercedes Azpilicueta gathers various characters from the past and the present who address the vulnerable or collective body from a decolonial…

Six Questions

William Ludwig Lutgens

Tique asks six questions to an artist about their work and inspiration.
This week: William Ludwig Lutgens.

Artistic Research

Silvia Elisa Bianchini – Body Dough Synergy

Body Dough Synergy is an artistic research project by Silvia Elisa Bianchini that explores the intimate connection between her body and bread dough, drawing on…


Dance, Dance, Revolution

The group exhibition Dance, Dance, Revolution at Kunsthaus Hamburg explores dance as a dynamic form of protest. Against the backdrop of the ongoing Russian full-scale…

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Tique sections


Tique interviews artists about their work and inspiration.


Tique features the work of inspiring artists.


Tique shares its selection of interesting exhibitions worldwide.

Printed Matter

Tique showcases a selection of remarkable artists’ books and other art publications.

Open call: artistic research projects

Do you have an ongoing or finished artistic research project? Tique is developing a new interview series on artistic research projects, and we invite you to introduce your project to us!