Photographer Johannes Schwartz documented the artist’s ephemeral installations and the existing fixtures and fittings, creating a portrait of the store. Accompanying the visual journey, a series of texts written by Sudhibhasilp, illustrated by Rudy Guedj, provides insight into her research through anecdotal stories and other miscellaneous facts on materials and exhibition design.

Hardware Store Aesthetics is an introductory text written by Brenda Tempelaar. Shifting between the form of the artist book and the exhibition catalogue No thanks, I’m just looking stands as the sole remaining document of the event.

No thanks, I’m just looking
by Lisa Sudhibhasilp together with Rudy Guedj
Photography by Johannes Schwartz
Graphic design and illustration by Rudy Guedj
Introduction by Brenda Tempelaar
Published by Building Fictions
Distributed by Idea Books
Lisa Sudhibhasilp (1989, FR) develops her work and research around the notion of the display. By investigating mechanisms of presentation ranging from the museum to store displays, she extracts design strategies which then feed her thinking process and material output. Researching how commodities, artefacts or artworks are presented and which procedures are employed to give them value, she uses - and re-uses - certain structures and aesthetics to question the status and hierarchy of the object shown, blurring the line between objects that are seen as displays and displays that are seen as objects.
Building Fictions (BF) is a publishing project initiated by graphic designer Rudy Guedj. BF sets out to explore ‘building’ as a methodology with the intent to highlight the potential of storytelling within practices at the intersection of art, design, architecture, and literature. Not limited by the first definition of a building as space, BF is focused on collaboration as an assembling, layering process. The projects published often are the result of collaborative work from which emerge questions on the established relation between text and image as autonomous yet related languages. Discussing the idea of a staged exhibition of Sudhibhasilp’s work in the context of a hardware store, Lisa and Rudy started to build No thanks, I’m just looking together.