What motivated you to start?
Quite a few factors: my mother is a primary teacher and I taught arts and creativity in her class when younger (I was 16 years old) – I loved seeing the kids more inspired thanks to the art they were making. A second important factor is that I highly respect the visual language, I am an introvert and I had to learn to be more social – art is a great way to communicate and engage with others when words do not come so easily on emotional subjects.

How do you develop your artistic program?
Our program is based on innovative techniques and innovative content. We love innovation and we want to show that the new generation of artists is very innovative – our artists use augmented reality, waste materials etc and have been partnering with the most forward thinking institutions and companies.

Could you describe your relation with artists?
MTArt is an artist agency so we finance some of their studio and production costs and my team and myself also help the artists continuously from PR to cultural partnerships to sales and exhibitions. We want to be a full encompassing structure which help our emerging artists growing and establishing their reputation.

What advice would you give emerging artists?
Experiment, challenge yourself, be trustworthy and loyal. Think long term always.
What do you think is your most valuable or unique aspect?
It’s difficult to pinpoint one aspect, I guess I never stop working and thus they can rely on me always. I care, a lot.

What do you consider to be your biggest challenge?
Time. Time only decides when an artist can be rewarded for their great vision and talent and we can only accelerate it but we never have the final word, time does.
What do you find the most rewarding?
Seeing my artists growing and being more respected within the field and outside of it.

What does the future hold?
So much! And I cannot wait to see MTArt growing as an artist agency strongly recognised globally.